How to know someone loves you?


As Love becomes a complex feeling sometimes for an individual when they think he/she is in love, people tend to show their love in different ways. It can be hard at times to know if someone loves you or not, especially when they are quite shy about expressing themselves.

There can be several reasons why a person may hold back to his/her feelings, maybe a traumatic past experience or not being able to open up. Some common signs to know that a person is in love with you:

  • The Way They Look at You : Having eye contact is one of the signs that someone is falling in love with you. Psychologists have studies this & they say that this is a nonverbal sign that can mean a lot & reveal deeper feelings from your partner. When one catches their partner glancing at them, it means that their partner likes spending time with them. They are happy around you.
  • Taking Care of You : If one’s partner come to take care of them when they get to know that they are ill or are feeling low, is a great sign that shows their love for you. If they ask if you need anything, its a way of showing how much they love you.
  • Respecting Personal Space : If you need some space, they ensure that you get it. A partner should be able to listen & understand when you need space. S/he needs to respect that.
  • Asking for Advice : When a person is in love, they carry deep regard for what the other person has to say & would always want their opinion on important decisions. This shows a deep sense of trust & belief.
  • Making you Feel Good about Who You are : At times, if you feel low or don’t feel too good about yourself, the person who loves you will always try to cheer you up & keep you happy.
  • Introducing You to Their Family : This is a big step that enhances a relationship. Family is one of the closest people , who look out for you & care for you. Introducing someone to one’s family, is seen as a great sign of of commitment & trust required for a healthy relationship. It means that they see the future with you.
  • Asking About Your Day :This shows that your partner cares about you & wants to know incase there is something that may have caused you discomfort.
  • Expressing Themselves : At times, it can be really be hard for the other person to be open. It takes a while, but when they start expressing their true emotions, it means that they trust you. This helps in better communication.
  • Making you Feel Secure : A sense of safety is very important & a partner who loves you will consistently strive to make you feel comfortable & secure. They won’t try to control any of your decisions, they will support you & guide you incase you ask them for any advice.
  • Being a Good Listener : When a person loves you, they will always take out time & listen to what you have to say. This leads to better communication in a relationship.
  • Not trying to Change who You are : When you love someone, you support their personal growth. They love you for who you are.
  • Helping You Out : A loving partner will want to help you whenever & however they can. Your goals & dreams will excite them & they will be willing to sacrifice to help you achieve what you want to.
  • Respect & Trust : In a long-term relationship, respecting & trusting your partner is essential, otherwise the bond won’t survive for long. Its equally important to be honest.
  • Being with You in Tough Times : If your partner sticks with you, even when you have a setback or are demotivated, it shows how much they love you & will try their best to cheer you up. It shows that they believe in you & won’t give up on you, no matter how bad a situation might be.

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